Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wednesday's 'Stream'

Much of our thought life involves a steady flow of internal stream of consciousness. Now this New DeLew tends to be what you would call a 'verbal processor'. As a result, the Other New DeLew endures, I mean benefits from hearing my stream of conscious thoughts. I'm sure he can testify that's it's pretty exciting stuff (insert sarcasm). Although at times there's some depth to the 'stream', I often find myself mulling over very mundane life-things. And because today is one of those days where the stream is taking over any focused thinking, I have shared a few of my stream themes.

-Transportation- when I've squished into a seat next to someone on a crowded bus, what is the protocol when an empty row opens up but I'm getting off in a few stops? Do I, a) get up and sit in the open row just for a few stops, causing unnecessary movement b)continue sitting all squished next to the person and stare straight ahead c) just stand until we get to my stop?

-Economics- How many pairs of cheap Forever 21 sandals do I need to go through in order to justify buying Rainbows?

-Agriculture- I think that there are three types of farmers- meat farmer, basic food products (soy and wheat), and fruit/veggies. If I had to be a farmer, I would definitely be the fruit/veggie farmer. And I'd plant peaches.

-The Five Senses- how is it that one city block can have so many odors? Walking east I get wafts of steamy sewage/trash from the alley- buttery Garrett's popcorn (classic chicago thing, but at 8am it's not so appetizing)- fresh laundry from the hotel- cigarette smoke. It's all a bit much.

-Science- When the New DeLews are melting in our teeny furnace-like bedroom at night, if we put a bowl of ice cubes in front of a fan, will the fan blow cold ice-vapor-air toward us?

-Health and Fitness- My big toe hurts everytime I run. There's a blister growing under my toenail and I'm afraid that I'm getting this thing called 'runner's toe'. My toenail might fall off and I'm freaking out about it. I might become that person with the gross big toe.

-Parenting- I love watching little kids play in fountains on my lunch break. They run through the water with such abandon. It's a freeing thing to observe.

That's this New DeLew's stream of the day. Very mundane and very real.


  1. You are obviously very bored at work today...but I love and miss your stream of consciousness thinking and am ELATED to be 500 miles closer to it in a few months. :)

  2. I like the streams---keep them coming... :)

  3. haha this post made me favorites were that you would plant peaches and the ice cubes! Not sure about the ice cube thing, but I will admit it kinda makes sense? I'm sure J will correct me!
