Monday, June 21, 2010

Lessons Learned

The past few weeks have been kinda crazy for the New DeLews. So instead of writing a long post about our craziness, I've decided to explain a couple of the 'lessons learned'. Because let's be honest, we're always learning lessons, right?

Routine: Although I hate to admit it because it might mean I have a bit of Type A-ness in me, I actually like routine. And I've finally determined what 'Routine' means to me. Essentially I'm in a routine if: 1) I've made bread and granola, 2) there's some type of leftovers to eat for lunch, and 3) the living room is neat (note that I didn't say clean, I said neat). So all I really need is about 3 hours of cooking and 'neatening' in order to feel relatively stable. Maybe I'm not so complicated after all....

Trips: A solo weekend trip to California for less than 43 hours is wonderful, so invigorating, but too short. Every time I go to CA, it's harder to come back. Although I love living in Chicago and I'm so thankful for our life here, for some reason without fail I find myself in tears at the airport bar while waiting for my return flight to Chicago. It's bizarre, I know. Poor Other DeLew.

Volleyball: Playing beach volleyball on Monday evenings, after not touching a volleyball for 6 years, will lead to bruised arms and bruised egos. I swear, I used to be good!

Running: The New DeLews' wise plan to run 6 miles on Saturday at the hottest point of the day (89 degrees) turned out to be not-so-wise. We made it, but definitely hated life.

Puerto Rico: Puerto Rican Day in Chicago means tons of people dangerously hanging out of cars while waving abnormally large Puerto Rican flags and honking horns. Just be aware.

Soba Noodles: If you have too many soba noodles in one pot of boiling water, just place them in a larger pot. Do not ignore this issue by cooking them for longer and allowing a layer of noodles to burn onto the bottom of said small pot. Especially not when you have friends over for dinner, like last night.

Blood Orange: Vodka + tonic + splash of Trader Joe's Blood Orange Italian Soda= one of the most refreshing drinks ever! It's the New DeLews' new thang for the summer. Thanks, Parris, for the recommendation!

Blue Sheets: Washing blue bedsheets will cause your entire load of laundry to turn a nice shade of pale blue. Unfortunately the Other DeLew doesn't like to wear blue undershirts though. Fail.

And that's our life right now. Learning about ourselves, our city, and random life-things. Although it can seem silly to make note of these little things, the truth is that these things reminds me to be thankful in the midst of mundane life moments. And practicing thankfulness helps us be more aware of God's grace in our midst.


  1. It's good to reflect on lessons learned. That's how we grow. I may join you and write my own blog post on this topic soon.

  2. Ohhhhh, i love your thoughts! Fabulously said.

  3. Were those the blue sheets from the Chuck room? (Did I have blue sheets??)

    Also, running in the early or night is amazing. Running in finger shoes is also amazing.

    Lastly, were you as good in volleyball as you were in science? I kid, I kid.

  4. DeLew...I can't believe you have a BLOG. Have you managed to eat at a normal human being pace yet? I will bet that Mrs. DeLew eats faster than you...Never Ready...If you figure out who I am send me a text.
